Sunday, April 1, 2007

omop how I love you...

I am learning to love method cleaning products... not only are they earth friendly, but they are fun to use, look cool, and make the house smell great!

The newest invention: the omop.
I have a new ally in the fight against dog hair.

We have all hardwood floors, so "swiffer-type" clothes help me keep up with the dust and dog hair - but they are icky. They are petrolium based and then you have to throw them away. The omop comes with corn based clothes that collect dust, dog hair etc AND they are compostable! How's that for cool. (I sound like their website)

I purchased the starter kit - $24.99 at Target (cheaper than the method website) it includes:
3 compostable sweeping clothes
The sweeper with cool curved handle
One microfiber cloth
wood for good cleaner (I bought the wood for good set...)

The omop itself is well designed. I love the curved handle, it allows for easy access under the furniture and around, umm, stuff. The handle also helps me put nice even pressure on the floors so I use less cleaning solution and can get the dried up icky stuff, like mud.

For my hardwood there is the Wood for good solution. It smells incredible! I love to clean our floors. It is way better than oil soaps and smells better than vinegar.

For the other floors they make lemon ginger all floor cleaner. I'm not the biggest fan of ginger, but I still like the cleaner. Both bottles are also designed to spray evenly and not to puddle.
Both cleaners are also biodegradable and non-toxic. (Did you know that some cleaners use pesticides? Gross.)

The piece de resistance - the microfiber floor pads. One for the wood floor and one for other types of floors. The microfiber is great, easy to clean and attaches with easy. I've used other types of mops that the pads do not come on and off without some struggle and I usually end up with icky-diaper-pad-that-has-been-on-the-bathroom-floor on my hands.

I love my omop. It has been the best investment for my house in a long time. I have now made the switch to all "green" cleaning products for our home. Laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent, cleaners, dusting clothes (the omop compostable ones OR the method microfiber clothes). I'm weaning my household away from paper towels, too.

Please email me with suggestions for future product reviews, if either you have used them or would like someone to try it out!

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