Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Is the Earth Bi-polar (oh, that is awful!)

Obviously when one jumps from pole to pole problems arise.

For example: You should ALWAYS eat your vegetables.
Well, yes, except for when you have already eaten too much, or say they are deep fried in trans-fatty oils or wrapped in Bacon.

But you get in trouble when you say - OK so I won't EVER eat vegetables again. They aren't organic, they pay immigrants insulting wages to pick and process them, vegetables are gross...

The same is true when it comes to recycling.

I've heard arguments on why you are morally obligated to recycle (I am Catholic...) and why it is responsible to recycle.

I've also found arguments on why you shouldn't recycle - work with me - environmental strain/side effects of the recycling process, increased curb side pick up... etc

I think the idea here is to meet somewhere in the middle (gasp, quelle horreur! Is there a middle left anywhere?!!!)
Recycling is a good option - but is it the best option? Probably our best choice is to make purchases based on less packaging, reusing containers instead of throwing them straight into the bin, and keeping yourself informed on what happens AFTER the bin leaves your curb.

This is an interesting article from 2003. I do not support nor do I reject the theories here - I'm just putting them out there for you to inform yourself.

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