Wednesday, September 19, 2007

And my students think that I'm nuts!

thanks to doodiepants for the heads up...

This guy has a fabulously wonderful blog (it helps that he is a writer - whateva' - yes, I'm hip, I'm down with the cool lingo) and is working on his new book about this crazy experiment he has been living - and dragging his family along with him! He takes a good look at consumption and the impact of one person in and on the world. I am hoping to keep this blog a little less philosophical - only because others can do that much more eloquently than I... Instead I hope to help people take those first baby steps into the greener lifestyle.

no impact man's blog

I wonder how much of this I could get away with here in my home? Hmm my husband without his computer?

As I sit here and watch him trying to reassemble a "vintage" mac laptop that he has ceremoniously taken apart and laid out piece by precious piece over the last couple of days I think: I'll probably try switching the toothpaste with baking soda before I take the computer away.

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