Thursday, June 7, 2007

That's my boy! (or pontiff)

From -
Associated Press

ROME: Some of the Holy See buildings will start using solar energy, reflecting Pope Benedict XVI's worry about squandering the Earth's resources, said a Vatican engineer who came up with the idea.

The roof of the Paul VI auditorium will be redone next year, with its concrete panels replaced with photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight into electricity, the engineer, Pier Carlo Cuscianna, said in a telephone interview on Tuesday.

The 6,300-seat auditorium is used for the pontiff's general audiences on Wednesdays in winter and in bad weather during the rest of the year. Concerts in honor of pontiffs are also occasionally staged in the hall, which has a sweeping stage.

The cells will produce enough electricity to illuminate, heat or cool the hall, Cuscianna said.

The modernistic hall, at the southern end of Vatican City, was built in 1969.

The exterior of the audience hall...

and the interior. (I went there once, it was cool.)

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